Results for 'Sir Ara Darzi'

171 found
  1. На шляху до християнсько-юдейського діалогу: За матеріалами публікацій у журналі «труды киевской духовной академии».Тaras Lyuty, Mykhailo Minakov, Vakhtang Kebuladze & Vadym Menzhulin - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 1:91-105.
    Kyiv-Mohyla Seminar on the History of Philosophy was established by the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy’s Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies in 2003. In this yearly seminar, the Department’s members as well as the historians of philosophy from other academic institutions regularly take part. Since 2003, 16 meetings of the seminar took place. They were focused on such topics as “Historiography of Philosophy in Ukraine: Current State and Perspectives”, “Actual Problems of the Source Studies in the Historiography of Philosophy”, “The Problem of (...)
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  2. Становлення великих груп: Від натовпу та публіки до владно-видовищних масових рухів.Тaras Lyuty - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 2:3-16.
    In this article, the author examines different theories and approaches to mass movements in the historical process and their impact on the condition of Western culture. In the short introduction, the main historical, cultural and philosophical origins of the mass movements from antiquity to present time are described. This paper examines the question why the social and cultural influence of the man of mass is difficult to predict. To answer this question, the author demonstrates the continuing transition from the psychology (...)
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  3. Філософія ніцше як творення концептів.Тaras Lyuty - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 1:20-28.
    In this article, the author examines the relationship between the human self and its two distinctive conditions – the Other, as any alternative form of being, and the Stranger, as hostility. In the first part of the article, the author shows historical and cultural dimensions of Self and the Other in the European context. In this regard, anything that does not belong to a particular cultural area is deprived of ontological status and expelled. The Other has attributes of femininity or (...)
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  4. Justification of Manual Classification of Information Resource in ICT Age in Nigeria.Marcus Ara - 2022 - Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal) 6876 (6876):1-11.
    The purpose of this study is to emphasize the reasons why manual classification of information materials should not be abandoned in current ICT era, particularly in Nigeria. Libraries are no exception to ICT applications, and we can observe how they have already altered library services and activities. Also, Information Technology (IT) has made it presence in almost every sphere of human activity including the library practice but to have fully automated classification scheme is yet to be implemented. Library operation, such (...)
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  5. Theravada Buddhism and Roman Catholicism on the Moral Permissibility of Palliative Sedation: A Blurred Demarcation Line.Asmat Ara Islam - 2021 - Journal of Religion and Health 61:1-13.
    Although Theravada Buddhism and Roman Catholicism agree on the moral justification for palliative sedation, they differ on the premises underlying the justification. While Catholicism justifies palliative sedation on the ground of the Principle of Double Effect, Buddhism does so on the basis of the Third Noble Truth. Despite their theological differences, Buddhism and Catholicism both value the moral significance of the physician’s intent to reduce suffering and both respect the sanctity of life. This blurs the demarcation line between Buddhism and (...)
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  6. An Empirical Study on Socio-economic Status of Women Labor in Rice Husking Mill of Bangladesh.Riffat Ara Zannat Tama, Liu Ying, Fardous Ara Happy & Md Mahmudul Hoque - 2018 - South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics 2 (2):1-9.
    The economy of Bangladesh mainly depends on agriculture. Any development can’t be possible because females and males are equally distributed in the country. Women can play a vital role if they properly participated in farm activities as well as in other income-generating activities outside the home. Rice mills are very much dependent on human labour, and almost 5 millions of unorganised workers are working in different rice mills, and more than 60 per cent of them is a female worker. But (...)
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  7. Revisiting Brenda Almond’s view of Human Bonds.Shamim Ara Pia - 2017 - Philosophy and Progress 61 (1-2):147-164. Translated by Shamim Ara Pia.
    In the prehistoric time, there was an inclination of human beings to protect their existence by living in societies. They confine themselves in the society because of having their qualities of mutual love and amity. The general tendencies of human beings are to develop bonds. These bonds happen in various ways. Society cannot survive without bonds. Bonds have significance in philosophical discussion. In the history of contemporary philosophy, applied philosophy is one of the several other aspects. Applied philosophy deals with (...)
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  8. Implementation of Tobacco Control Policies in Bangladesh: A Political Economy Analysis.Md Mahmudul Hoque & Riffat Ara Zannat Tama - 2021 - Public Administration Research 10 (2):36-51.
    After ratifying the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control in 2004, Bangladesh enacted anti-tobacco laws, policies, and administrative measures. Evidence suggests that the progress so far has not been significant, and Bangladesh will most likely fail to meet its target to become tobacco-free by 2040. This study undertakes a national-level political economy analysis to explore the dynamics that affect the processes of required tobacco policy reforms and implementation. Based on a desk review of pertinent pieces of literature and key informant interviews, (...)
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  9. China's Belt and Road Initiative: Global Politics and Implications.Md Mahmudul Hoque & Riffat Ara Zannat Tama - 2020 - European Scientific Journal 16 (31):279-299.
    Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a global infrastructure development project that ambitiously aims to connect Asia with European and African continents through land and sea corridors. China adopted this gigantic game-changing master plan in 2013 and spurred much speculation among scholars and policymakers worldwide. This article investigates the development of the project through the lens of global political geography and economy. From an international relations perspective, the authors consult relevant pieces of literature and focus on the international issues and (...)
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  10. How is analytical thinking related to religious belief? A test of three theoretical models.Adam Baimel, Cindel J. M. White, Hagop Sarkissian & Ara Norenzayan - 2021 - Religion, Brain and Behavior 11 (3):239-260.
    The replicability and importance of the correlation between cognitive style and religious belief have been debated. Moreover, the literature has not examined distinct psychological accounts of this relationship. We tested the replicability of the correlation (N = 5284; students and broader samples of Canadians, Americans, and Indians); while testing three accounts of how cognitive style comes to be related to belief in God, karma, witchcraft, and to the belief that religion is necessary for morality. The first, the dual process model, (...)
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  11. Climate Change and Our Moral Obligations to Future Generations: A Critical Analysis (8th edition).Shamim Ara Pia - 2018 - Jibon Doshon 8 (ISSN 2312-7848):141-160.
    Climate is a fundamental element of the environment. Human beings' sound living depends on a healthy and sustainable climate. However, our climate is losing its natural balance day by day. As a result, it is posing harmful effects on us through different types of natural calamities. Apart from several natural processes, anthropocentric (human-caused) activities are the main cause of it. Different types of natural disasters that are occurring in the environment—for instance, hurricanes, cyclones, earthquakes, mudslides, floods, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and (...)
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  12. Elizabeth Telfer's View on Self-Respect: An Applied Ethical Analysis.Shamim Ara Pia - 2019 - Jibon Darshon 9 (ISSN 2312-7848):269-281.
    Self-respect is an aspect of human personality. It denotes showing respect to oneself. In other words, self-respect is a quality or characteristic of an individual that he always wants to maintain in his life. It assists a man to acquire self-confidence, self-satisfaction, and self-realization. In the history of contemporary philosophy, applied philosophy deals with human rights, euthanasia, feminism, abortion, animal rights, bonds, self-respect, and so on. Elizabeth Telfer is a notable name in the history of contemporary applied philosophy. Telfer discusses (...)
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  13. Nəsirəddin Tusinin "Əsasül-iqtibas" əsəri əsasında məntiqə dair terminlər lüğəti.Aladdin Malikov (ed.) - 2022 - Baku: Elm nəşriyyatı.
    Azərbaycan elm tarixini tədqiq edərkən dövrün tələbindən çıxış edilərək ərəb və fars dillərində yazılmış çoxlu əsərlərə rast gəlirik. Bu əsərlərdən biri də dahi alim Nəsirəddin Tusinin fars dilində məntiqə dair yazdığı Əsasül-iqtibas əsəridir. Əsər ilk dəfə 2022-ci ildə nəşr edilərək oxucu və tədqiqatçıların ixtiyarına verilmişdir. Əsasül-iqtibas əsəri XIII əsrin ortalarında yazılmışdır. Əsərin yazılmasından təqribən səkkiz əsrə yaxın vaxt keçmişdir. Bu müddət ərzində həmin əsərdə istifadə edilən bir sıra termin və sözlər artıq müasir fars dilində istifadə edilmir. Əsərin məntiqə aid olması (...)
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  14. Sir William Mitchell and the "New Mysterianism".W. Martin Davies - 1999 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (3):253-73.
    This paper is about the work of a long forgotten philosopher and his views which have surprising relevance to discussions in present-day philosophy of mind and cognitive science. I argue that, far from being a traditional idealist, Mitchell advanced a very subtle position best seen as marking a transition from idealist views and later materialist accounts, the latter popularly attributed to Australian philosophers in the second half of the 20th century.
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  15. Sir Karl Popper.Ray Scott Percival - 2005 - In Stuart Brown (ed.), The Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers: M-Z. Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press. pp. 800-807.
    A brief intellectual biography of Sir Karl Popper.
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  16. Kurgular arası karşılaştırmalar ve anlam.Besim Karakadılar - 2010 - In Selma Aydın Bayram, Sibel Kibar & Ayhan Sol (eds.), Anlam Kavramı Üzerine Yeni Denemeler. İstanbul, Türkiye:
    Verili bir durumu anlamayı, onu bir bütün olarak kurgulamak olarak düşünelim. Kurgu basit bir gösterge de olabilir, karmaşık bir yapı da olabilir; belli belirsiz bir iz veya izler toplamı da olabilir. Kurgunun işlevini yerine getirmesini sağlayan gerek ve yeter koşul verili olan durum ile kendi yapısı arasında bir karşılaştırma olanağını sağlamasıdır. Nitekim, en bilindik anlamda bir durumu kurgulamak onu bir başka durumla karşılaştırmaktır. Bu yüzden de karşılaştırma yapmayı anlama yetimiz için ön dayanak olan bir alt-yeti olarak tanımlayabiliriz. Bu alt-yetinin edimsel (...)
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  17. Sir John F. W. Herschel and Charles Darwin: Nineteenth-Century Science and Its Methodology.Charles H. Pence - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (1):108-140.
    There are a bewildering variety of claims connecting Darwin to nineteenth-century philosophy of science—including to Herschel, Whewell, Lyell, German Romanticism, Comte, and others. I argue here that Herschel’s influence on Darwin is undeniable. The form of this influence, however, is often misunderstood. Darwin was not merely taking the concept of “analogy” from Herschel, nor was he combining such an analogy with a consilience as argued for by Whewell. On the contrary, Darwin’s Origin is written in precisely the manner that one (...)
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  18. Meslekî Tükenmişlik İle Dindarlık Eğilimi Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma (An Empirical Study On The Relationship Between Occupational Burnout And Tendency Of Religiosity) - Turkish.Abdullah DAĞCI & Saffet Kartopu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (8):365-383.
    .........................Turkish ....................... Çalışmanın konusu dindarlık eğilimi ile meslekî tükenmişlik arasındaki ilişkidir. Dindarlık eğilimine göre meslekî tükenmişlik düzeyinde herhangi bir farklılık olup olmadığı ise çalışmanın temel problemini oluşturmuştur. Bu bağlamda meslekî tükenmişlik düzeyini ve dindarlık eğilimini belirlemek için kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle Gümüşhane il merkezindeki ilkokul, ortaokul ve liselerde görev yapan farklı branşlardaki öğretmenlerden bir örneklem grubu oluşturulmuştur. Elde edilen meslekî tükenmişlik ve dindarlık eğilimi verilerinden yola çıkarak bu iki değişkenin ilişkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada Frekans, Bağımsız t-Testi, Tek Yönlü Varyans AnaliziANOVA testleri kullanılmıştır. (...)
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  19. The Logic of Sir William Hamilton: Tunnelling Through Sand to Place the Keystone in the Aristotelic Arch.Ralph Jessop & Dov M. Gabbay (eds.) - 2008
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  20. Book Review Sir John Woodroffe, Tantra and Bengal: An Indian Soul in a European Body? by Kathleen Taylor. [REVIEW]Swami Narasimhananda - 2015 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 120 (3):294-5.
    The result of the doctoral work of the author, this volume reflects well her painstaking eff orts of the investigative trail into the life of Sir John Woodroffe. This book gives a concise yet overall view of the large and multifarious canvas of the personality that Woodroffe was. Including rare photographs, facsimiles of letters and notes, an elaborate bibliography and index, this book fills a void by fulfilling the long-felt need of a good biography of a soul, who preferred to (...)
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  21. El Tratado acerca de las reglas del arte de los poetas (Qawānīn fī ṣināʿat al- šuʿarāʾ) de Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī. Presentación, traducción y notas.Kamal Cumsille Marzouka & Miguel Carmona Tabja - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (1):237-244.
    El presente artículo ofrece una traducción anotada del _Tratado acerca de las reglas del arte de los poetas_ (_Qawānīn fī ṣināʿat al-šuʿarāʾ_) de Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī. Acompañamos esta traducción de una introducción dividida en tres partes. En primer lugar, se ofrece un contexto general acerca del lugar del Qawānīn en la obra de al-Fārābī y en la tradición filosófica árabe. En segundo, se plantea una posible división temática del texto. Y finalmente, en tercer lugar, se especifican las peculiaridades de la (...)
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  22. Yol ve Yolcu Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Kısa bir Felsefi-Edebi İnceleme: Herakleitos DK 22B60 VE Frost'un Road Not Taken Şiirinden Hareketle Yol.Engin Yurt - 2018 - Journal of History School (JOHS) 11 (XXXIV):987-1003.
    In here, philosophical-literate thinking on the way is mainly tried. On one side, making a philosophical analysis of Heraclitus’ fragment 60 is aimed. The different views on what Heraclitus might have meant in this article which is generally translated as the way up and the way down are one and the same are examined. On the other side, with a reading of Robert Frost’s famous poem of Road Not Taken, it has been tried whether a phenomenological interpretation of the way (...)
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  23. Vida, honra, cavalaria e moralidade: um estudo sobre a polidez britânica à luz de Sir Falstaff.Mariana Dias Pinheiro Santos - 2023 - In III Filosofia, Vida e Morte.
    Trata-se de investigar de que maneira a vida cavaleiresca e a vida cortês se constituem e se opõem na Grã-Bretanha da virada do século XVI para o XVII. Para isso, será utilizado, como porta de entrada, um estudo do personagem Sir John Falstaff e de como esse homem se relaciona com a moralidade cortês e cavaleiresca própria da época em que seu criador escreveu. Desse modo, para além das peças de Shakespeare em que se encontra esse personagem, também será necessário (...)
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  24. Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Tartışmaya Yönelik Öz-Yeterlikleri, Bilimin Doğasına Yönelik İnanışları ve Eleştirel Düşünmeleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi.Rabiya Kıran - 2021 - Dissertation, Aydin Adnan Menderes Üni̇versi̇tesi̇
    Bu araştırmanın ilk amacı, sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının tartışmaya yönelik özyeterlikleri, bilimin doğası inanışları ve eleştirel düşünmeleri arasında sınıf düzeyine göre anlamlı bir fark olup olmadığını incelemektir. İkinci amacı ise, sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının tartışmaya yönelik öz-yeterlikleri, bilimin doğası inanışları ve eleştirel düşünmeleri arasındaki ilişkilerin yapısal eşitlik modeli ile incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın modeli ilişkisel tarama çalışmasıdır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi ve Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Temel Eğitim Bölümü Sınıf Öğretmenliği programının birinci, ikinci, üçüncü (...)
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  25. The Political Theology of Sir James Stephen.Raymond Heslehurst - 2015 - Solidarity: The Journal for Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 5 (1):Article 5.
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  26. 1844 Ekonomik ve Felsefi El Yazmaları’nda Yabancılaşma ile Özel Mülkiyet Arasındaki İlişki.Soner Soysal - 2022 - Posseible Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):142-57.
    Karl Marx’ın 1844 Ekonomik ve Felsefi Elyazmaları onun yabancılaşma kavrayışını anlamak açışından oldukça önemli bir metindir. Bu metinde dört farklı yabancılaşma türünden söz edilir. Ancak, Marx’ın bu yabancılaşma biçimlerine ilişkin açıklamaları incelendiğinde, aslında bunlardan birinin, türsel yabancılaşmanın, daha temel olduğu ve diğerlerinin de bu yabancılaşma biçiminden kaynaklandığı ortaya çıkar. Türsel yabancılaşmanın temel yabancılaşma biçimi olduğu iddiası, hem Marx’ın emeğin yabancılaşmasının özel mülkiyetin nedeni olduğu iddiasını temellendirmeyi hem de yabancılaşmanın sadece kapitalist sisteme özgü bir olgu olmadığını göstermeyi olanaklı kılar.
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  27. Max Gluckman’s objections to Sir James Frazer.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This is a one page handout presenting objections from Gluckman's book Politics, Law, and Ritual in Tribal Society.
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    Türkiye'de islâm felsefesi araştırmalarının seyri: kazanımlar, öncelikler, sorunlar: İslâm felsefesi anabilim dalı koordinasyon toplantısı (9-11 Ekim 2015, Rize).M. Nurullah Turan, İrfan Karadeniz & Enver Şahin (eds.) - 2016 - Rize: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Yayınları.
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  29. Social anthropology summary: A.R. Radcliffe-Brown’s objections to Sir James Frazer.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This is a one page handout presenting some objections A.R. Radcliffe-Brown makes to Frazer on rites and Frazer's evolutionism.
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  30. Felsefede İnsan-Hayvan Sorunu: Derrida ve Levinas Arasındaki Karşıtlığa Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Kucaklama Olarak Sarılma Üzerine.Engin Yurt - 2018 - Flsf 25 (25):181-206.
    In this article, the difference between human and animal in philosophy is mainly handled. This difference is thought over the concept of “the other” and Heidegger’s phenomenological distinction between human and animal. With respect to especially the views of Derrida and Levinas regarding to this matter, it has been attempted to exhibit this difference. Therefore, the two approaches -which were represented as the opposition of Derrida and Levinas- have been tried to clarify. After this, as a new approach to this (...)
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  32. Langage et philosophie: essai sur les structures linguistiques de l'ontologie : avec la traduction de la discussion rapporté par Abû Ḥayy'n al-Tawḥîdî entre le logicien Matt' Ibn Yûnus et le grammairien Abû Saʻid as-Sîr'fî et de deux autres textes.Abderrahmane Taha - 1979 - Rabat: Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines.
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  33. On the Relation of City and Soul in Plato and Alfarabi.Ishraq Ali & Qin Mingli - 2019 - Journal of Arts and Humanities 8 (2):27-34.
    Abu Nasr Muhammad Alfarabi, the medieval Muslim philosopher and the founder of Islamic Neoplatonism, is best known for his political treatise, Mabadi ara ahl al-madina al- fadhila (Principles of the Opinions of the Inhabitants of the Virtuous City), in which he proposes a theory of utopian virtuous city. Prominent scholars argue for the Platonic nature of Alfarabi’s political philosophy and relate the political treatise to Plato’s Republic. One of the most striking similarities between Alfarabi’s Mabadi ara ahl al-madina al- fadhila (...)
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  34. The High Wasteland, Scar, Form, and Monstrosity in the English Landscape: What Is the Function of the Monster in Representations of the English Landscape?Michael Eden - 2023 - Dissertation, Middlesex University
    In this thesis, I explore themes and concerns that have arisen in my art practice, namely the relationship between landscape, monstrosity, and subjectivity. The tropes scar and form refer to features analogous in the subject and in the land which take on different specific meanings throughout the project, but in general terms, I relate them to trauma as a defining force. I suggest that monsters can be understood as embodying attitudes to time (a cause of trauma): those being fixity, which (...)
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  35. Savage and civilized on controlling the weather, from The Golden Bough.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Sir James Frazer’s The Golden Bough presents a puzzle regarding how primitive peoples believe they can control something which civilized people regard as beyond their control: the weather. I clarify the puzzle and consider Frazer’s solution to it, as well as other solutions.
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  36. The Middle Class: Philosophical, Political, and Historical Perspectives.Philipp W. Rosemann, Joshua S. Parens & José Espericueta (eds.) - 2020 - San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad Costa Rica.
    In the summer of 2016, the University of Dallas and the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México organized a conference to discuss the topic of the middle class and its continued decline—recognizing that, despite some historical, political and cultural differences, healthy democracies throughout the hemisphere depend upon a strong and prosperous middle class. This volume brings together contributions by nine scholars from both institutions. The chapters reflect diverse disciplinary perspectives that are historical, political, economic, anthropological, and philosophical. Despite this diversity, the (...)
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  37. La resonancia en la teoría crítica de Hartmut Rosa: una respuesta a los límites prácticos de la ética discursiva para las sociedades aceleradas.Jose L. Lopez-Gonzalez - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
    En aras del universalismo y en contra del totalitarismo, la ética discursiva ha mostrado con Jürgen Habermas un déficit práctico al negar a la filosofía moral la posibilidad de reflexionar sobre las condiciones alienantes del diálogo desde un ethos concreto. Este artículo analiza el modo en que la teoría de la resonancia formulada por Hartmut Rosa permite revitalizar el debate sobre las condiciones que pueden minar las bases para el diálogo en las sociedades aceleradas sin apoyarse en el concepto de (...)
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  38. Istoria eugeniei.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2022 - Cunoașterea Științifică 1 (1):59-74.
    Sir Francis Galton a sistematizat aceste idei și practici, influențat de cartea Originea Speciilor a vărului lui, Charles Darwin, prin care mecanismele de selecție naturală au fost potențial zădărnicite de civilizația umană. El a afirmat că societatea umană, protejând pe cei defavorizați și slabi, era în contradicție cu selecția naturală , și numai prin schimbarea acestor politici sociale ar putea fi salvată societatea de la o "revenirea spre mediocritate", frază transformată de el ulterior în "regresia spre mediocritatea." Charles Davenport, un (...)
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  39. Evolution de l'eugénisme jusqu'à la seconde guerre mondiale.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Sir Francis Galton a systématisé les idées et pratiques de l'eugenisme, influencées par le livre L'origine des espèces de son cousin, Charles Darwin, par lesquelles les mécanismes de sélection naturels étaient potentiellement déjoués par la civilisation humaine. Il a affirmé que la société humaine, protégeant les plus défavorisés et les plus faibles, était en contradiction avec la sélection naturelle, et que seule une modification de ces politiques sociales permettrait à la société d'être sauvée d'un « retour à la médiocrité », (...)
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  40. The Russell–Dummett Correspondence on Frege and his Nachlaß.Kevin C. Klement - 2014 - The Bertrand Russell Society Bulletin 150:25–29.
    Russell corresponded with Sir Michael Dummett (1925–2011) between 1953 and 1963 while the latter was working on a book on Frege, eventually published as Frege: Philosophy of Language (1973). In their letters they discuss Russell’s correspondence with Frege, translating it into English, as well as Frege’s attempted solution to Russell’s paradox in the appendix to vol. 2 of his Grundgesetze der Arithmetik. After Dummett visited the University of Münster to view Frege’s Nachlaß, he sent reports back to Russell concerning both (...)
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  41. Ο Σαίξπηρ μεταξύ Λούκατς και Καστοριάδη.Alexandros Schismenos - 2021 - Voreia Voreioanatolika 6:62-80.
    Τι συμβαίνει άραγε όταν ένας ψυχικά διαταραγμένος βασιλιάς διαβάσει Σαίξπηρ; Το 1788, o Sir Lucas Pepys, ιατρός του Βρετανού βασιλιά Γεωργίου του 3ου (κατά τη διάρκεια της βασιλείας του οποίου ξέσπασε η Αμερικάνικη Επανάσταση) έγραψε: «Η Αυτού Μεγαλειότητα ήταν χθες το απόγευμα σε μια καλή αν και λίγο ανισόρροπη κατάσταση, μιλώντας διαρκώς, καθώς συνηθίζει [...] Όμως σήμερα το πρωί […] είναι πολύ πιο διαταραγμένος και συγχυσμένος, διότι του επιτράπηκε να διαβάσει τον Βασιλιά Ληρ.» Δύο μέρες αργότερα, ο Γεώργιος βρέθηκε σε (...)
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  42. Doğa ile oynamaca: felsefece karalamalar.Besim Karakadılar - manuscript
    2011-2020 yılları arasında yazdıklarım arasından seçip derlediğim bu dosyada farklı amaçlarla yazılıp bütünsel bir anlatı oluşturmak arzusuyla bir araya getirilmiş yazılar var. İçindeki yazıların başlıkları sırasıyla şöyle: 1. Maddesiz ama manalı ufuklar; 2. Wittgenstein'ın ölümsüz dünyasında kim öle, kim kala?; 3. Hilbert izlencesinin izinde; 4. Adcılık adına yeni bulgular; 5. Doğa ile oynanan oyunlarda hakikat arayışı; 6. Hakikat-sonrası hakikat araştırmaları; 7. Ekolojik bir etik arayışı: hakikat-sonrası, yalan, dolan; peki ya daha sonrası? Söz konusu yazılarla arzulanan bütünsel anlatıya göre bu çalışma (...)
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  43. John Lyons, Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction[REVIEW]Varol Akman - 1997 - Natural Language Engineering 3 (1):89-95.
    Sir John Lyons’s Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1995) is a tolerable addition to the list of half a dozen or so impressive titles he has produced on linguistic subjects over the years. This book was initially planned to be a second edition of his Language, Meaning and Context (Lyons, 1981). However, in the end it turned out to be a successor and replacement. For it is, in the author’s words, a very different book compared to (...)
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  44. Supernatural, social, and self-monitoring in the scaling up of Chinese Civilization.Hagop Sarkissian - 2015 - Religion, Brain and Behavior 5 (4):323-327.
    An invited commentary on Ara Norenzayan's Big Gods: How Religion Transformed Cooperation and Conflict, focusing on whether early China constitutes an exception to his general theory.
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  45. Bilim ve Din İlişkisi İçin Modeller.Onur Kenan Aydoğdu & Denis R. Alexander - 2022 - Faraday Paper 4 (3):1-4.
    Bilim ve din arasındaki etkileşimler hem tarihsel olarak hem de günümüzde çeşitli ve karmaşıktır. Modeller, verileri anlamlandırmak için faydalı olabilir. Bu makale, bilim-din etkileşimlerini tanımlamak için önerilen dört ana model türünü karşılaştırarak, onların güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini vurgulamaktadır. Bilimsel ve dini bilgiyi ilişkilendirme görevinde 'bütünleyici' modelin en verimli olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
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  46. Worlds in Collision: The Stability of the Solar System.Bhakti Madhava Puri - 2013 - The Harmonizer.
    Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) discovered a problem in theoretical physics that is still unresolved to this day. He recognized that the periodic forces of gravity produced by the planets of the solar system degrade their orbits over long time spans, to produce either collisions of planets, ejections of planets into interstellar space, or incineration in the Sun. Although the calculated effects may be small for a given instant of time, over millions of years those small effects accumulate to produce problems (...)
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  47. B-theory.Bakytzhan Oralbekov - manuscript
    Sir Roger Penrose and prof. Stuart Hameroff had substantiated a theory that a human brain performs quantum computations. Logically, a question comes what information does then the brain compute and what is the result of such a quantum computing? To answer this, it is tempting to exploit isomorphism between complex hermitian 2 × 2 matrices and R4, more specifically a real vector representation of qubit states. P Arrighi proposed that "qubit states may be viewed as spatio-temporal objects, or indeed as (...)
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  48. Statistical Significance Testing in Economics.William Peden & Jan Sprenger - 2022 - In Conrad Heilmann & Julian Reiss (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics. Routledge.
    The origins of testing scientific models with statistical techniques go back to 18th century mathematics. However, the modern theory of statistical testing was primarily developed through the work of Sir R.A. Fisher, Jerzy Neyman, and Egon Pearson in the inter-war period. Some of Fisher's papers on testing were published in economics journals (Fisher, 1923, 1935) and exerted a notable influence on the discipline. The development of econometrics and the rise of quantitative economic models in the mid-20th century made statistical significance (...)
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  49. The Golden Bough as an argument against diffusionism.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper interprets Sir James Frazer’s The Golden Bough as presenting an objection to diffusionism: the diffusionist theory cannot account for the isolation of the rite Frazer focuses on, in the societies studied by classicists.
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  50. Barbarous Spectacle and General Massacre: A Defence of Gory Fictions.Ian Stoner - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (4):511-527.
    Many people suspect it is morally wrong to watch the graphically violent horror films colloquially known as gorefests. A prominent argument vindicating this suspicion is the Argument from Reactive Attitudes (ARA). The ARA holds that we have a duty to maintain a well-functioning moral psychology, and watching gorefests violates that duty by threatening damage to our appropriate reactive attitudes. But I argue that the ARA is probably unsound. Depictions of suffering and death in other genres typically do no damage to (...)
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